STARS Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - ci-build

STARS Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: STARS Legacy Species Group Code System

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2023-04-26 Computable Name: LegacySpeciesGroupCodeSystem

Codes describing various Species Group.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

AQUATIC NAquatic animal not otherwise listed.
BEEF_CATTLE BCattle; including buffalo; kept primarily for the production of meat.
CAMELIDS GIncludes farmed; feral; pack; racing and pet camelids including camels; alpacas and llamas but NOT camelids kept in zoos.
CAPTIVE_FARMED JIncluding native and exotic animals; and birds kept in zoos and other collections; including commercial bees; farmed crocodiles; rabbits and deer; non-domestic pet cats (large and small) and pet reptiles; but NOT farmed avians (as above).
DAIRY_CATTLE ACattle kept primarily for the production of milk.
FIN_FISH KCommercial, farmed or wild.
HORSES DIncludes feral; pet; racing (performance) and leisure horses but NOT exotic equines kept in zoos.
LEISURE_ANIMALS HIncludes domestic animals and birds kept for leisure animal purposes e.g. cats; dogs; ferrets; guinea pigs; pet rabbits; aviary (pet and show) birds;  racing pigeons; but NOT cattle; sheep; goats; horses; pigs or camelids.
NATIVE_FERAL IIncluding free living native and exotic animals and birds but NOT feral cattle; buffalo; sheep; goats; horses; pigs or camelids.
PIGS EIncludes farmed; feral and pet pigs.
POULTRY FIncludes farmed avians kept for meat and/or egg production including chickens; emu; ostrich rhea; ducks; quails; pheasants or other species but NOT avians kept for leisure purposes e.g. racing pigeons and show birds.
SHEEP_GOATS CIncludes farmed; feral and pet sheep and goats but NOT small ruminants kept in zoos.
UNSPECIFIED Unspecified value.