STARS Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - ci-build

STARS Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: STARS Legacy Syndrome Code System

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2023-04-26 Computable Name: LegacySyndromeCodeSystem

Codes describing various Syndrome.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

AFD 2Acute febrile disease
AH 26Anaemia/Haemorrhage
AS 1Abortion/stillbirth
ASC 31Ascites
CAO 3Circulatory/anaemia/oedema
CD 4Congenital defect
DIA 5Diarrhoea
EMP 35Excessive mucus production
EXO 32Exophthalmia
FD 6Found dead
GAP 33Gaping
GL 8Genital lesions
GO 7Generalised oedema
GSO 29Gastrointestinal signs other than diarrhoea
INF 10Infertility
IW 9Illthrift/weight loss
JAU 11Jaundice
LAM 12Lameness
LYM 13Lymphadenopathy
MSM 30Mass mortality
NCS 25No clinical signs
ND 14Nasal discharge
NDS 27No detectable signs
NHA 24No history available
NS 15Nervous signs
NSS 23No suitable syndrome
OLS 16Oral lesions or salivation
OTM 37Opaque tail muscle
PD 18Production drop (including mastitis)
PR 17Pruritis
RGM 34Retraction of gill margins
RS 19Respiratory signs
SD 21Sudden death
SL 20Skin lesions
TR 28Trauma
UNSPECIFIED Unspecified value.
WDAM 22Weakness/depression/anorexia/malaise
WML 36White midgut line