STARS Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - ci-build

STARS Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: STARS Species Value Set

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2023-04-26 Computable Name: SpeciesValueSet

the thing to pick from


Logical Definition (CLD)



This value set contains 4964 concepts

Expansion based on STARS Legacy Species Code System v0.1.0 (CodeSystem)

  0.1 Mussel
  0.10's Hoof Clam
  0.11 Banana Prawn
  0.12 Prawn
  0.14 Crayfish
  0.15 Clam
  0.17 Giant Clam
  0.18 Giant Clam
  0.19 Banana Prawn
  0.2 Tiger Prawn
  0.21 Prawn
  0.22 Swimmer Crab
  0.23 Bay Bug
  0.24 Endeavour Prawn
  0.25 Prawn
  0.26 Crab
  0.27 Crab
  0.28 Shrimp
  0.29 Prawn
  0.3 Clam
  0.30 Prawn
  0.31 Crab
  0.32 Marsh Crab
  0.33 King Prawn
  0.35 Swimmer Crab
  0.36 Prawn
  0.6 Giant Clam
  0.7 Clam
  0.8 Tiger Prawn
  0.9 Bee
  1.1.1 Penguin Penguin Penguin Penguin Penguin Penguinélie Penguin Penguin Penguin Penguin Penguin Penguin Rockhopper Penguin Rockhopper Penguin's Rockhopper Penguin Penguin Crested Penguin Crested Penguin Penguin
  1.10.1 Crane Crane
  1.10.2 Rail Rail Island Weka Weka Weka Island Weka Rail Howe Woodhen Swamphen mantelli Island Takahe Crake Rail's Rail Crake Crake Rail Rail Crake Rail Moorhen Native-hen Moorhen Coot Coot
  1.11.1 Jacana Jacana
  1.11.10 Puffin Puffin Puffin Murre Murre Guillemot Guillemot Murrelet Murrelet's Auklet Auklet Auklet
  1.11.11 Snipe
  1.11.12 Prantincole Pratincole
  1.11.13 Stone-curlew Stone-curlew
  1.11.2 Oystercatcher Black Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Island Oystercatcher Oystercatcher
  1.11.3 Lapwing Lapwing miles novaehollandiae Lapwing Plover Plover Dotterel Island Banded Dotterel Dotterel Plover Sand Plover Sand Plover Plover Plover Plover Plover's Plover Plover Plover Zealand Dotterel New Zealand Dotterel New Zealand Dotterel Golden Plover Plover Golden Plover Dotterel Dotterel Plover Plover Dotterel
  1.11.4 Sandpiper Sandpiper Curlew Curlew Curlew Curlew Curlew Curlew Woodcock Woodcock Sandpiper Island Snipe Zealand Snipe Island Snipe Island Snipe Island Snipe Island Snipe Barrier Snipe Sandpiper Sandpiper Tattler Tattler Turnstone Sandpiper Sandpiper Sandpiper Sandpiper Sandpiper Sandpiper Sandpiper Knot Stint Stint's Sandpiper Knot Sandpiper Sandpiper Stint Sandpiper Snipe's Snipe Tattler Yellowlegs Yellowlegs Sandpiper Redshank Redshank Sandpiper Greenshank Sandpiper Dowitcher Dowitcher Dowitcher Snipe Godwit Godwit Godwit Godwit
  1.11.5 Avocet Avocet Stilt Stilt himantopus leucocephalus Stilt Stilt
  1.11.6 Phalarope's Phalarope Phalarope
  1.11.7 Jaeger Jaeger Jaeger Skua Polar Skua
  1.11.8 Skimmer
  1.11.9 Gull Gull Black-backed Gull Gull Gull Gull's Gull's Gull Black-headed Gull Gull Gull Gull Gull Gull Gull Gull Gull Gull Gull's Gull Gull' Gull Kittiwake Kittiwake's Gull Tern Tern Black Tern Tern Tern Tern Tern Tern Tern Tern Zealand Fairy Tern nereis nereis nereis exsul Tern Tern Tern Tern Tern's Tern Tern Tern Tern Tern Noddy stolidus pileatus Noddy Ternlet Tern alba royana
  1.12.1 Pigeon (Feral) Pigeon Pigeon Ground Dove Pigeon Pigeon scripta scripta Pigeon Pigeon Crowned Pigeon Pigeon Pigeon Cuckoo-Dove amboinensis phasianella Rock-Pigeon Rock-Pigeon Bronzewing Bronzewing Bronzewing Fruit Dove Fruit Dove Fruit-Dove Dove Dove novaeseelandiae Zealand Pigeon Island Pigeon Dove Turtle-dove Dove Dove Dove Dove Pigeon Pigeon indica Dove Imperial Pigeon (Torresian)
  1.13.1 Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Bronze-Cuckoo Cuckoo's Bronze-Cuckoo Bronze-Cuckoo's Bronze-Cuckoo Cuckoo Koel Cuckoo
  1.13.2 Coucal
  1.14.1 Owl Owl capensis longimembris Owl Owl Sooty Owl Grass Owl
  1.14.2 Screech-Owl Owl Boobook Boobook (Norfolk Is Ssp.) Owl Owl Owl Owl Horned Owl Owl Hawk-Owl Pygmy-Owl Owl Owl Owl Owl Gray Owl Owl Owl Owl Saw-whet Owl
  1.15.1's-widow Nightjar Poorwill Nighthawk
  1.15.2 Frogmouth
  1.15.3 Owlet-nightjar cristatus cristatus
  1.16.1 Swift Swift's Swift Swift Needletail Swift Swift
  1.16.2 Hummingbird Hummingbird Hummingbird Hummingbird
  1.17.1 Kingfisher Kookaburra Kookaburra Kingfisher Kingfisher Kingfisher Kingfisher Kingfisher Kingfisher Kingfisher
  1.17.3 Bee-eater
  1.18.1 Flicker Woodpecker Woodpecker Woodpecker' Woodpecker Sapsucker's Sapsucker Woodpecker Woodpecker Woodpecker Woodpecker Woodpecker
  1.18.2; Aracaris Aracari
  1.19.1 Kingbird Kingbird Kingbird Kingbird's Kingbird Flycatcher Crested Flycatcher Phoebe Phoebe's Phoebe Flycatcher Flycatcher Flycatcher Flycatcher's Flycatcher Flycatcher Flycatcher Wood-Pewee Wood-Pewee Flycatcher Flycatcher Flycatcher
  1.19.10 Mockingbird Catbird Thrasher Thrush
  1.19.11 Robin Thrush Thrush Thrush Thrush Thrush's Thrush Thrush Bluebird Bluebird Bluebird Wheatear's Solitaire Babbler Babbler Yellow Robin
  1.19.12 World Warblers Warbler Gnatcatcher Kinglet Kinglet Island Fernbird Island Fernbird Island Fernbird Island Fernbird Islands Fernbird Grassbird Grassbird Songlark Songlark Cisticola Cisticola
  1.19.13 Wagtail Wagtail Pipit's Pipit's Pipit Pipit
  1.19.14 Waxwing Waxwing
  1.19.15 Shrike Shrike
  1.19.16 Myna Myna Starling Drongo
  1.19.17 Vireo's Vireo Vireo Vireo Vireo Vireo Vireo
  1.19.18 Blue Warbler Gray Warbler Warbler Warbler Warbler Warbler Warbler May Warbler's Warbler Green Warbler Warbler Warbler Warbler Warbler Warbler Warbler's Warbler Warbler Redstart Warbler Warbler Warbler Warbler Warbler's Warbler Warbler Warbler's Warbler Yellowthroat Warbler Chat Warbler Warbler Warbler Warbler's Warbler Parula Warbler Waterthrush Waterthrush
  1.19.19 Sparrow
  1.19.2 Lark Bushlark
  1.19.20 Meadowlark Meadowlark Blackbird Blackbird Oriole Oriole Blackbird's Blackbird Grackle Grackle Cowbird
  1.19.21 Tanager Tanager Tanager
  1.19.22's Sparrow Grosbeak Grosbeak Junco Finch Crossbill Crossbill Sparrow Sparrow Sparrow's Sparrow Sparrow Grosbeak Grosbeak Grosbeak's Sparrow Sparrow's Sparrow Conte's Sparrow Sparrow Bunting Bunting Bunting Towhee Towhee Bunting Sparrow Tree Sparrow's Sparrow Sparrow Sparrow Sparrow Sparrow Sparrow Sparrow' Sparrow (Domestic - Unspecified Breed) Sparrow Sparrow Bunting Cardinal Longspur's Longspur Longspur's Longspur Sparrow Redpoll Redpoll Siskin Goldfinch Goldfinch's Finch Finch Finch
  1.19.23 Zealand Wrens Wren Wren (New Zealand)
  1.19.24 Cuckoo-shrike Triller
  1.19.25 Bulbul Bulbul
  1.19.27 Creeper (New Zealand) Whistler Whistler Shrike Thrush cucullata Robin
  1.19.28 Warblers Warbler Island Warbler
  1.19.29 Flycatchers Flycatcher Flycatcher Fantail Island Fantail Island Fantail Island Fantail Wagtail Fantail
  1.19.3 Swallow Swallow Swallow Rough-winged Swallow Swallow Swallow Swallow Martin Martin Swallow Swallow Martin Swallow
  1.19.30 Robins Island Tomtit Island Tomtit Island Tomtit Island Tomtit Island Tomtit Robin Robin Robin Zealand Robin Island Robin Island Robin Island Robin
  1.19.32 Miner Miner Miner Spinebill Honeyeater Honeyeater Honeyeater Honeyeater Honeyeater Honeyeater Honeyeater Honeyeater melanops Honeyeater Chat melanura Kings Bellbird Knights Bellbird Island Bellbird novaeseelandiae Island Tui chathamensis Honeyeater Wattlebird Honeyeater Friarbird Friarbird Holland Honeyeater Honeyeater Honeyeater Honeyeater
  1.19.33 Bunting Grassquit
  1.19.34 Island Kokako Island Kokako Island Saddleback Island Saddleback
  1.19.35 Woodswallow Woodswallow Woodswallow
  1.19.36 Magpie Currawong Butcherbird Butcherbird Butcherbird Butcherbird Butcherbird
  1.19.37 Riflebird
  1.19.38 Pitta Pitta
  1.19.39 Lyrebird
  1.19.4 Jay Jay's Jay Magpie Raven Raven Crow Crow Raven Crow Crow Raven's Nutcracker Treepie
  1.19.40 Bowerbird Bowerbird
  1.19.41 Fairy-wren Fairy-wren leucopterus Fairy-wren Wren Splendid Wren Emu-wren Grasswren
  1.19.42 Thornbill Reed Warbler Reed-warbler Reed-Warbler Pardalote Pardalote Scrubwren
  1.19.43 Whipbird
  1.19.45 Magpie-lark melanopsis Monarch
  1.19.46 Thrush Thrush
  1.19.47 Finch Sparrow Mannikin Firetail Finch Finch Finch Mannikin Mannikin malacca Munia Munia Munia Finch Finch temporalis Finch Finch Finch Finch Finch Finch Cordon-bleu Parrot Finch
  1.19.48 Oriole Oriole
  1.19.49 Lark
  1.19.5 Chickadee Chickadee Tit Chickadee Chickadee Titmouse Chickadee
  1.19.50 Chough
  1.19.51 Robin
  1.19.6 Nuthatch Nuthatch Nuthatch Nuthatch
  1.19.7 Creeper (American)
  1.19.8 Dipper
  1.19.9 Wren Wren's Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren (North American)
  1.2.1 Loon Loon Loon Loon
  1.20.1 Kiwi Island Brown Kiwi Island Brown Kiwi Brown Kiwi Tokoeka Tokoeka Spotted Kiwi Spotted Kiwi
  1.21.1 Cockatoo Mitchell's Cockatoo Corella Corella Cockatoo Black Cockatoo Black Cockatoo's Black Cockatoo Black Cockatoo Cockatoo
  1.21.2 Conure Parrot Fig-Parrot's Fig Parrot Parrot Parrot Parrot Parrot Bonnet Blue Bonnet Parrot Parrot Parrot Parrot Ringneck Grey Parrot Parrot Parrot Island Kaka Island Kaka Lovebird Parrot Conure (Queen of Bavaria) Conure Conure Conure's Parrot Parrot Amazon Amazon Amazon Amazon Amazon Rosella Rosella; VIC/NSW Rosella Rosella Island Parakeet Parakeet Parakeet Island Red-crowned's Parakeet Island Green Parrot auriceps Parakeet' Parakeet Parakeet Lorikeet Lorikeet haematodus Lorikeet (Eastern) Lorikeet's Parrot Parrot Parrot Parrot Parrot Parrot King Parrot Macaw and Yellow Macaw and Green Macaw Macaw Conure Conure/Parakeet Conure
  1.21.3 Lory Lorikeet Lorikeet Lorikeet Lory Lory Lory
  1.22.2 Rhea
  1.22.4 Cassowary
  1.23.1 Button-Quail Button Quail Button Quail Button-quail
  1.3.1 Grebe Grebe Grebe Crested Grebe Crested Grebe Grebe Grebe Zealand Dabchick Grebe Grebe
  1.4.1 Albatross Albatross Albatross Albatross Royal Albatross Royal Albatross Albatross Albatross's Albatross Albatross exulans dabbenens Albatross Albatross's Mollymawk Island Mollymawk cauta cauta Albatross Black-browed Mollymawk Zealand Black-browed Mollymawk Albatross's Albatross Buller's Mollymawk Buller's Mollymawk Sooty Albatross Albatross
  1.4.2 Fulmar Fulmar (Antarctic) Petrel Petrel Petrel Giant Petrel Giant Petrel Prion Prion Fulmar Prion crassirostris crassirostris Prion Prion's Prion Prion Petrel's Shearwater Species Shearwater Island Shearwater Shearwater's Shearwater Shearwater Shearwater Shearwater Shearwater Shearwater Shearwater Shearwater's Shearwater Petrel Petrel Petrel Fernandez Petrel Petrel Petrel Petrel Petrel Island Taiko Petrel Petrel Petrel's Petrel's Petrel's Petrel's Petrel Petrel Petrel Petrel Petrel Diving Petrel Georgian Diving Petrel Petrel Petrel Petrel Petrel Petrel Petrel Petrel
  1.4.3 Petrels Storm-Petrel's Storm-Petrel Storm-Petrel's Storm-Petrel Storm Petrel Storm Petrel marina dulciae marina maoriana White-faced Storm Petrel Storm Petrel grallaria Storm Petrel
  1.5.1 Tropicbird Tropicbird Tropicbird
  1.5.2 White Pelican Pelican Pelican Pelican
  1.5.3 Booby Gannet Booby Booby Gannet
  1.5.4 Cormorant Cormorant Cormorant's Cormorant Cormorant Cormorant Cormorant Black Cormorant Pied Cormorant Shag Island Shag Island Shag Island Shag Island Shag Island Shag Shag Shag Island Shag
  1.5.5 Darter
  1.5.6 Frigatebird Frigatebird Frigatebird
  1.6.1 Blue Heron Heron Heron Heron Heron Egret Egret Egret Heron Blue Heron Egret Egret Heron alba Heron intermedia Reef Egret Heron Heron Egret (Northern Hemisphere) albus Heron Night Heron Night Heron Night Heron Bittern Bittern Bittern Bittern Bittern Bittern
  1.6.2 Stork Stork asiaticus australis
  1.6.3 Ibis Ibis Ibis Ibis Spoonbill Spoonbill
  1.6.4 Flamingo
  1.7.1; Swans; Ducks; Swans & Whistling Ducks Swan Swan Swan Swan Goose Goose Goose Goose' Goose White-fronted Goose - Wild Form - Breed Unknown - Mixed Breed - Other - Feral - Domestic - Cross Breed - African - Brecon Buff - Chinese - Embden - Pilgrim - Roman - Sebastopol - Toulouse Duck Whistling Duck Whistling Duck Whistling Duck Barren Goose Goose Duck Ducks Pintail Wigeon Duck - Wild Form - Domestic - Campbell - Cayuga - Crested - Elizabeth - Indian Runner - Magpie - Oprington - Pekin - Pommeren - Rouen - Feral - Rouen Clair - Saxony - Silver Appleyard - Watervale - Welsh Harlequin - Mallard - Mixed Breed - Other - Breed Unknown - Abacot Ranger - Aylsebury - Bali - Black East Indian - Blue Swedish - Call Black Duck Black Duck Shoveler Shoveler Zealand Shoveler Teal Teal aucklandica Teal Island Teal Island Teal gibberifrons Grey Teal Wigeon Duck x Unknown Species - Hybrid Duck x Pacific Black Duck - Hybrid Teal x Pacific Black Duck - Hybrid Shoveler Teal Teal Teal Teal Duck Pintail Duck Duck Pygmy-goose Pygmy-goose Ducks Scaup Duck Scaup Zealand Scaup Ducks & Mergansers Goldeneye's Goldeneye Duck Merganser Scoter Scoter Scoter Merganser Merganser Island Merganser's Eider Eider Eider Eider Ducks Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck - Wild Form Duck - Cross Breed Duck - Domestic Duck - Feral Duck - Breed Unknown Duck - Mixed Breed Duck - Other Shelduck Shelduck Shelduck radjah rufitergum Shelduck Wood Duck (Maned)
  1.7.2 Goose
  1.8.1 Vulture Vulture Condor
  1.8.2 Swallow-tailed Kite Eagle Buzzard Hawk (Pacific Baza) Kite Kite Kite Goshawk Goshawk Hawk's Hawk Sparrowhawk Goshawk Goshawk Hawk Hawk Hawk's Hawk Hawk Hawk Eagle Eagle's Eagle Eagle Eagle Sea Eagle Harrier Harrier Harrier Kite Kite Kite Kite
  1.8.4 Caracara Hobby Falcon Falcon Falcon Kestrel Falcon Zealand Falcon Kestrel Falcon
  1.9.1 Grouse Grouse Grouse Ptarmigan Ptarmigan Ptarmigan Prairie-Chicken Grouse Grouse
  1.9.2 Quail ypsilophorus Monal Fireback Pheasant Pheasant Amherst Pheasant Quail Quail Partridge Partridge Partridge Quail Quail Quail ypsilophora australis Quail - Wild Form - Feral - Australorp - Barnevelder - Brahma - Campine - Cochin - Croad Langshan - Dorking - Faverolles - Frizzle - Hamburgh - Breed Unknown - Houdan - Indian Game - Jungle Fowl - Legbar - Leghorn - Malay Game - Marans - Minorca - Modern Game - New Hampshire - Red Junglefowl - Old English Game - Orpington - Plymouth Rock - Polish - Rhode Island - Sicilian Buttercup - Silkie (Bantam) - Silkie (Large) - Spanish - Sussex - Ancona - Transylvanian Naked Neck - Welsummer - Wyandotte - Japanese (Bantam) - Pekin (Bantam) - Rosecomb (Bantam) - Belgian (Bantam) - Sebright (Bantam) - Mixed Breed - Other - Andalusian - Cross Breed - Domestic - Araucana - Australian Game - Australian Langshan - Australian Pit Game Peafowl Peafowl
  1.9.3 - Wild Form - Feral - Other - Domestic - Cross Breed - Breed Unknown - Bronzewing - Bourbon Red - Narragansett - White - Blue - Lavender - Mixed Breed
  1.9.4 Brush Turkey Scrubfowl
  1.9.5 Bustard
  10.1.1 Abalone
  11.1.1 Octopus
  12.1.1 Crab
  13.1.1 Oyster
  2.1.10 Possum Glider
  2.1.11's Possum Glider norfolcensis Glider Glider
  2.1.12 Glider
  2.1.2 Wallaby Wallaby (subspecies) Wallaby Wallaroo Brush Wallaby rufogriseus's Wallaby Wallaby Wallaby Wallaby Grey Kangaroo Island Kangaroo giganteus Grey Kangaroo Kangaroo Wallaby robustus Sp. penicillata Rock-wallaby xanthopus Rock-wallaby Necked Rock Wallaby Wallaby goodfellowi's Tree Kangaroo Pademelon Pademelon Nailtail Wallaby Nailtail Wallaby hirsutus
  2.1.3 Possum Brushtail Possum Brushtail Possum gymnotis Cuscus
  2.1.4 Quoll Quoll Quoll (Chuditch) Quoll Antechinus Antechinus Red Antechinus Devil Phascogale Phascogale Dunnart Dunnart Dunnart Dunnart Dunnart Planigale Planigale Subsp Amperta Sp. Antechinus Antechinus - Victoria; NSW Antechinus - QLD Antechinus Antechinus Antechinus Antechinus Antechinus Antechinus Antechinus Antechinus
  2.1.5 Bilby Barred Bandicoot Bandicoot Barred Bandicoot Bandicoot Brown Bandicoot Brown Bandicoot
  2.1.6 (unknown Subsp.); QLD/NSW Subspecies (Northern); VIC Subspecies (Southern)
  2.1.7 Hairy-nosed Wombat Hairy-nosed Wombat Wombat
  2.1.8 penicillata Bettong tridactylus Potoroo Potoroo's Potoroo Bettong
  2.1.9 Pygmy-possum Pygmy-possum
  2.10.1 - Wild Form - Cob - Brumby - Waler - Akhal-Teke - Budyonny - Don - Iomud - Kabardin - Karabair - Kirghiz - Latvian - Hack - Lithuanian Heavy Draught - Metis Trotter - Orlov - Russian Heavy Draught - Tersky - Toric - Vladimir Heavy Draught - Arab - Barb - Welsh - Hackney - Welsh Cob - Quarterhorse - Hunter - Shire - Suffolk - Thoroughbred - Irish Draught - Ardennais - Auxois - Domestic - Boulonnais - Breton - Charollais Half-Bred - Comtois - French Anglo-Arab - French Trotter - Limousin Half-Bred - Percheron - Poitevin - Selle Francais - Feral - Trait Du Nord - Bavarian Warm Blood - Beberbeck - Hanoverian - Holstein - Oldenburg - Rhineland Heavy Draught - Schleswig Heavy Draught - Trakehner - Wurttemberg - Mixed Breed - Furioso - Gidran Arabian - Murakoz - Nonius - Shagya Arabian - Lipizzaner - Noriker - Danubian - East Bulgarian - Pleven - Breed Unknown - Kladruber - Einsiedler - Franches-Motagne - Freiberger - Malapolski - Polish Arab - Sokolsky - Wielkopolski - Italian Heavy Draught - Maremmana - Cross Breed - Murgese - Salerno - Dutch Draught - Friesian - Gelderland - Groningen - Belgian Ardennes - Brabant (Belgian Heavy Draught) - Dole Trotter - North Swedish - Other - North Swedish Trotter - Swedish Ardennes - Swedish Warm Blood - Frederiksborg - Jutland - Knabstrup - Finnish - Andalucian - Hispano (Spanish Anglo-Arab) - Alter Real - Cleveland Bay - Lusitano - Albino - American Quarter Horse - American Saddle Horse - American Standardbred - Appaloosa - Missouri Fox Trotter - Morgan - Mustang - Pinto - Clydesdale - Tennessee Walking Horse - Native Mexican Horse - Canadian Cutting Horse - Peruvian Paso - Paso Fino - Darashomi - Jaf - Tchenarani - Turkoman - Karacabey burchelli's Zebra's Zebra ferus's Horse hemionus
  2.10.2 Tapir Tapir
  2.10.3 simum White Rhinoceros bicornis Rhinoceros (Kenya) Rhinoceros (Zimbabwe) One-Horned Rhinoceros
  2.11.1 aculeatus Echidna brunijni Echidna
  2.12.1 Lemur variegatus and White Ruffed Lemur fulvus Lemur
  2.12.2 marmoset rosalia Lion Tamarin imperator imperator subgrisescens oedipus Tamarin Marmoset
  2.12.3 Monkey Spider Monkey Spider Monkey Monkey
  2.12.4 Brazza's Monkey Monkey Macaque Monkey and White Colobus Monkey
  2.12.5 Gibbon's Gibbon Gibbon
  2.12.6 gorilla Lowland Gorilla Orang-utan
  2.13.1 Elephant Elephant
  2.14.1 Armadillo
  2.2.1 Shrew Shrew Shrew Water Shrew Water Shrew Shrew Shrew Shrew Shrew Shrew Shrew; Hoy's Shrew; Thompson's Shrew Shrew
  2.2.2 Mole Coast Mole Mole Mole Mole
  2.2.3 europaeus Hedgehog
  2.2.4 Tree Shrew
  2.3.1 Brown Bat Bat's Bat Bat Bat Bat Bat Bat Sp. (unidentified) Bent-wing Bat Bent-wing Bat Bent-wing Bat Long-eared Bat's Long-Eared Bat Long-eared Bat Broad-nosed Bat Bat's Big-Eared Bat Pipistrelle Brown Bat Sp. (unidentified) Forest Bat Forest Bat Bat Bat Bat Bat Zealand Long-tailed Bat's Wattled Bat
  2.3.2 Free-tailed Bat Sp. Northern Mastiff-bat Freetail Bat
  2.3.3 Short-tailed Bat Short-tailed Bat Plateau Short-tailed Bat Short-tailed Bat Short-tailed Bat
  2.3.4 Red Flying Fox Flying Fox Flying Fox Flying Fox Bat
  2.3.5 gigas Bat
  2.3.6 Bats Sheathtail Bat
  2.4.1 Pika
  2.4.2 Cottontail Cottontail Hare Hare Jackrabbit Hare Hare Rabbit - European Wild Rabbit - Jersey Woolley - Cashmere Lop - Dwarf Lop - French Lop - Mini Lop - Mini Cashmere Lop - Maxi Cashmere Lop - Argente - British Giant - Californian - Dutch - Fox - New Zealand White - Sable - Satin - Smoke Pearl - Swiss Fox - Thuringer - Rex - Mini Rex - Dalmation Rex - English Angora - Astrex - Satin Mini Rex - Domestic (Breed Unknown) - Plush Lop - Satin English Angora - Tri Dutch - Harlequin/Magpie - Netherland Dwarf - Polish - Tan
  2.5.1 (Mountain Beaver)
  2.5.10 Agouti
  2.5.11 Cavy Pig
  2.5.13 Palm Squirrel
  2.5.14 Crested Porcupine
  2.5.2 Chipmunk Squirrel Pine Chipmunk Chipmunk Chipmunk Marmot Marmot Marmot Ground Squirrel Ground Squirrel Ground Sqirrel Ground Squirrel Ground Squirrel Squirrel Prairie Dog Gray Squirrel Fox Squirrel Squirrel Flying Squirrel Flying Squirrel
  2.5.3 Pocket Gopher Pocket Gopher
  2.5.4 Pocket Mouse Basin Pocket Mouse Kangaroo Rat
  2.5.6 Harvest Mouse Vole's Water Vole Vole Vole Vole Vole Vole Vole Vole Vole Vole Vole Vole Rat Rat Rat Rat Mouse Stick-nest Rat gouldii Tree Rat Tree-rat Hopping Mouse Rat Rat Mouse Mouse Bay Mouse Mouse oreas Mouse mouse Rat Rock-rat Rock Rat Rock Rat Grasshopper Mouse Woodrat Red-back Vole Red-back Vole Red-back Vole Lemming Bog Lemming Bog Lemming Vole Lemming Bay/Ungava Collared Lemming
  2.5.7 Jumping Mouse Jumping Mouse Jumping Mouse Jumping Mouse
  2.6 & Dolphins
  2.6.1 Whales Beaked Whale's Beaked Whale Beaked Whale' Beaked Whale Whale's Beaked Whale Whale Beaked Whale Whale's Beaked Whale Beaked Whale Whale Whale Whale Whale Bottlenose Whale's Beaked Whale
  2.6.2 Whales Whale Sperm Whale Sperm Whale
  2.6.5 Dolphin Dolphin Porpoise Dolphin's Dolphin Whale Killer Whale Dolphin Dolphin Whale Dolphin Right Whale Dolphin Dolphin White-sided Dolphin White-sided Dolphin Dolphin Dolphin Whale's Dolphin Whale (Common Blackfish) Pilot Whale Pilot Whale Porpoise
  2.6.6 Whale
  2.6.7 Whale Whale Whale Whale's Whale Whale
  2.6.8 Whales Whale Whale Right Whale Right Whale
  2.6.9 Porpoise
  2.7.1 (Wild Form) Guinea Wild Dog (Wild Form) - Feral - Chinese Crested Dog - Foxhound - Greyhound - Hamiltonstovare - Harrier - Ibizan Hound - Irish Wolfhound - Norwegian Elkhound - Otterhound - Petit Bassett Griffon - Pharaoh Hound - English Toy Terrier - Rhodesian Ridgeback - Saluki - Sloughi - Whippet - Australian Cattle Dog - Australian Kelpie - Australian Shepherd - Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle - Bearded Collie - Belgian Shepherd Dog - Griffon Bruxellois - Belgian Shepherd Dog - Belgian Shepherd Dog - Belgian Shepherd Dog - Border Collie - Bouvier Des Flandres - Briard - Collie (Rough) - Collie (Smooth) - Finnish Lapphund - German Shepherd Dog - Havanese - Komondor - Kuvasz - Maremma Sheepdog - Norwegian Buhund - Old English Sheepdog - Polish Lowland Sheepdog - Puli - Pumi - Shetland Sheepdog - Swedish Vallhund - Italian Greyhound - Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) - Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) - Akita - Alaskan Malamute - Anatolian Shepherd Dog - Bernese Mountain Dog - Black Russian Terrier - Boxer - Bullmastiff - Central Asian Sheepdog - Japanese Chin - Dobermann - Dogue De Bordeaux - German Pinscher - Kangal Dog - Leonberger - Mastiff - Neapolitan Mastiff - Newfoundland - Portugese Water Dog - Pyrenean Mountain Dog - King Charles Spaniel - Rottweiler - Samoyed - Schnauzer - Schnauzer (Min.) - Schnauzer (Giant) - Shiba Inu - Siberian Husky - St. Bernard - Tibetan Mastiff - Boston Terrier - Lowchen - British Bulldog - Canaan Dog - Chow Chow - Dalmatian - Eurasier - French Bulldog - German Spitz (Mittel & Klein) - Great Dane - Japanese Spitz - Keeshond - Maltese - Lhasa Apso - Poodle (Standard) - Poodle (Min.) - Poodle (Toy) - Schipperke - Shar Pei - Shih Tzu - Tibetan Terrier - Cross Breed - Mixed Breed - Miniature Pinscher - Other - Domestic - Papillon - Pekingese - Pomeranian - Pug - Tibetan Spaniel - Yorkshire Terrier - Airedale Terrier - American Staffordshire - Australian Terrier - Bedlington Terrier - Breed Unknown - Border Terrier - Bull Terrier - Bull Terrier (Miniature) - Cairn Terrier - Cesky Terrier - Dandie Dinmont Terrier - Foxy Terrier (Smooth) - Foxy Terrier (Wire) - Glen of Imaal Terrier - Irish Terrier - Affenpinscher - Jack Russell Terrier - Kerry Blue Terrier - Lakeland Terrier - Manchester Terrier - Norfolk Terrier - Norwich Terrier - Parson Russell Terrier - Scottish Terrier - Sealyham Terrier - Australian Silky Terrier - Skye Terrier - Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier - Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Tenterfield Terrier - Welsh Terrier - West Highland White Terrier - Brittany - Chesapeake Bay Retriever - Clumber Spaniel - Cocker Spaniel - Bichon Frise - Cocker Spaniel (American) - Curly Coated Retriever - English Setter - English Springer Spaniel - Field Spaniel - Flat Coated Retriever - Gordon Setter - Hungarian Vizsla - Irish Red & White Setter - Irish Setter - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - Irish Water Spaniel - Italian Spinone - Labrador Retriever - Lagotto - Large Munsterlander - Novia Scotia Duck Tolling - German Shorthaired Pointer - German Wirehaired Pointer - Golden Retriever - Pointer - Chihuahua (Long Coat) - Sussex Spaniel - Weimaraner - Welsh Springer Spaniel - Afghan Hound - Australian Dingo - Basenji - Bassett Fauve De Bretagne - Bassett Hound - Beagle - Bloodhound - Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) - Bluetick Coonhound - Borzoi - Dachshund (Long Haired) - Dachshund (Min. Long - Dachshund (Smooth Haired) - Dachshund (Min. Smooth Haired) - Dachshund (Wire Haired) - Dachshund (Min. Wire Haired) - Deerhound - Finnish Spitz (Golden/Common) fox fox fox fox Fox Wolf Wild Dog
  2.7.2 Bear Bear arctos Bear Bear malayanus Sun Bear
  2.7.3 fulgens Panda
  2.7.4 Weasel Weasel Ferret Skunk Skunk Otter Otter Small-clawed Otter
  2.7.5 - Wild Form - Feral - Siamese - Balinese - Oriental Shorthair - Javanese - British Shorthair - Manx - Cymric - Chartreux - Scottish Fold - Scottish Fold Longhair - Breed Unknown - Scottish Shorthair - European Shorthair - Russian - Abyssinian - Somali - Burmese - Cornish Rex - Devon Rex - German Rex - Korat - Persian - Australian Mist - Ocicat - Bengal - Japanese Bobtail - Singapura - Tonkinese - Bombay - Burmilla - Mixed Breed - Other - Exotic Shorthair - Part Pedigreed - Domestic - Cross Breed - Birman - Turkish Van - Norwegian Forest Cat - Maine Coon - Ragdoll's Golden Cat Cat Leopard leo Lion / White Tiger Tiger leopard jubatus
  2.7.6's Palm Civet
  2.7.7 Meerkat
  2.8.1 Sea Lion Sea Lion Fur Seal Zealand Fur Seal pusillus Fur Seal Fur Seal Zealand (Hooker's) Sea Lion Sea Lion
  2.8.3 Seal Seal Seal Harbour Seal Seal Seal Seal Elephant Seal Elephant Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal
  2.9.1 Caribou Caribou Caribou Deer Deer Deer (Northern) Deer Moose Deer* Deer Deer Red Deer Deer Lankan Sambar Deer Pudu
  2.9.2 Antelope
  2.9.3 (American Bison) Bison Bison Oryx Sheep Buffalo - Wild Form Buffalo - Domestic Form caffer Forest Buffalo Goat Sheep Sheep - Wild Form - Feral - Cheviot - Corriedale - Damara - Dorper - Dorset Down - Dorset Horn - Drysdale - Hampshire Down - Katahdin - Karakul - Breed Unkown - Masai - Morada Nova - Pelibuey - Perendale - Poll Dorset - Poll Merino - Polwarth - Rabo Largo - Romney (Marsh) - Sahel-type - Afrikaner - Santa Ines - Shropshire - Somali - South Suffolk - Southdown - St Croix (Virgin Island White) - Suffolk - Texel - Touabire - Tukidale - Barbado - Uda - West African Dwarf - White Suffolk - Wiltshire Horn - Merino - Bond - Cross Breed - Mixed Breed - English Leicester - Gro-mark - Barbados Blackbelly - Other - Finnish Landrace - Ryeland - Waridale - Lincoln - Hyfer - Glenvale - East Friesian - Coopworth - Coolalee - Black & Coloured - Comeback - Dohne - Border Leicester Cross - 1st Cross Lambs - 2nd Cross Lambs - Domestic - Blackhead Persian - Border Leicester - Brazilian Somali - Wild Form - Feral - Ayrshire - Beef Shorthorn - Beefalo - Beefmaster - Belgian Blue - Belmont Red - Belted Galloway - Galloway - Blonde DA - Boran - Breed Unknown - Braford - Brahmousin - Braler - Brangus - Braunvieh - British White - Brown Swiss - Buffalo - Charbury - Charolais - Africander - Poll Charolais - Chiangus - Chianina - Chiford - Dairy Shorthorn - Danish Red - Devon - Dexter - Droughtmaster - Durham - Angler - Friesian (Holstein) - Gelbvieh - Greyman - Guernsey - Hayes Converter - Hereford - Highland - Holstein Friesian - Jersey - Lean Bos (Chianina/Sahiwal) - Angus - Limousin - Lincoln Red - Longhorn - Luing - Maine Anjou - Mandalong Special - Marchigiana - Milking Shorthorn - Muese-Rhine-Issel - Murray Grey - Australian Friesian Sahiwal - Pie Rouge - Piedmontese - Pinzgauer - Poll Devon - Poll Hereford - Poll Shorthorn - Poll Simmental - Red Angus - Red Poll - Red Sindhi - Australian Illawarra Shorthorn - Red and White Holstein - Romagnola - Rotbut - Sahiwal - Sahiwal-Shorthorn - Salers - Santa Gertrudis - Shaver Beefblend - Shorthorn - Simbrah - Australian Milking Zebu - Simford - Simindicus - Simmental (Fleckviech and Black Simmental) - South Devon - Sussex - Swedish Red - Tarantaise - Tuli - Waluzi - Welsh Black - Australian Red - Wagyu - Zebu - Cross Breed - Mixed Breed - Other - Domestic - Brahman rupicapra Tahr - Wild Form - Feral - Bagot - Barbari - Beetal - Belgian Fawn - Benadir - Bhuj - Boer - Booted Goat - British Alpine - Brown Shorthair Goat - Breed Unknown - Canary Island - Caninde - Cashmere - Chapar - Corsican - Daera Din Panah - Damani - Danish Landrace - Don - Dutch Landrace - Alpine - Erzgebirg - Finnish Landrace - Golden Guernsey - Grisons Striped - Hailun - Haimen - Hasi - Hejazi - Hexi Cashmere - Hongtong - Altai Mountain - Huaipi - Huaitoutala - Hungarian Improved - Irish Goat - Jining Grey - Kaghani - Kamori - Kiko - Kinder - LaMancha - American Cashmere - Loashan - Moxoto - Murcia-Granada - Myotonic (Wooden Leg) - Nachi - Nigerian Dwarf - Norwegian - Oberhasli - Peacock Goat - Philippine - Anglo-Nubian (Nubian) - Poitou - Pygmy - Pyrenean - Qinshan - Repartida - Russian White - Saanen - Sahelian - San Clemente - Somali - Angora - Spanish - SRD - Swedish Landrace - Thuringian - Toggenburg - Uzbek Black - Valais Blackneck - Verata - West African Dwarf - White Shorthaired Goat - Appenzell - Xinjiang - Xuhai - Yemen Mountain - Zhongwei - Mixed - Cross Breed - Other - Domestic - Arapawa Island eurycerus
  2.9.4 - Wild Form - Feral - Lacombe - Norwegian Landrace - Tamworth - Middle White - Gloucester Old Spot - Other - Mixed Breed - Cross Breed - Domestic - Breed Unknown - Large White - Landrace - Welsh - Pietrain - Hampshire - Duroc
  2.9.5 Camel
  2.9.7 Hippopotamus
  3.1.1 Snapping Turtle
  3.1.3 Turtle (North American) Turtle Turtle Pond Turtle's Turtle Turtle Box Turtle Box Turtle Three-keeled Pond Turtle concinna River Cooter scripta Slider
  3.1.4 Turtle
  3.1.5 Turtle Turtle Ridley Ridley Turtle Turtle Turtle
  3.1.6 Turtle
  3.1.7 Turtle Snake-necked Turtle Snake-necked Turtle Long-necked Turtle Snapping Turtle Turtle Short-necked Turtle Turtle Basin Turtle Turtle's River Turtle River Turtle
  3.1.8 Tortoise Tortoise Tortoise Tortoise Tortoise
  3.2 and Snakes
  3.2.1 Lizard Basilisk Banded Iguana Crested Iguana Iguana Iguana
  3.2.10 Dragon (Coastal) Bearded Dragon Bearded Dragon Sail-finned Water Dragon Lizard Dragon Lizard Netted Dragon Dragon Crevice Dragon Dragon Dragon Devil Dragon Water Dragon Water Dragon Dragon
  3.2.11's Chameleon Chameleon
  3.2.12 suspectum Gila Monster
  3.2.13's Snake Lizard
  3.2.14's Pygmy Mulga Rock Monitor's Monitor Monitor's Goanna Monitor Dragon Monitor Monitor's Water Monitor's Water Monitor's Monitor Monitor
  3.2.15 Death Adder Death Adder Death Adder Death Adder Swamp Snake Whip Snake Vis' Banded Snake Snake's Banded Snake Cobra Snake Tiger Snake Island Tiger Snake Taipan Taipan Brown Snake's Snake Black Snake Brown Snake Snake
  3.2.16 Snake
  3.2.17 File Snake
  3.2.18 molurus Python Python Rock Python Python
  3.2.2 Alligator Lizard Worm
  3.2.3 Skink Skink Skink pantherinus (Cyclodina) Skink aff. aenea 'Poor Knights' Skink's Skink Skink Skink Skink's Skink Skink (Lampropholis) (Rainbow) Skink Garden Skink (Oligosoma) Skink aff. infrapunctatum 'West Coast' Skink Skink's Skink Skink Skink nigriplantare Island Skink Skink aff. nigriplantare 'Garston' Skink Skink Skink Skink Skink Skink Skink Skink Skink's Skink Skink Skink Skink Skink Skink aff. infrapunctatum 'Open Bay Islands''s Skink's Skink Mullet Skink's Skink Skink Tail Skink Rock Skink Skink Blue-tongued Lizard Blue-tongued Lizard Blue-tongued Lizard scincoides Skink (Eastern) Skink Water Skink Water Skink Lizard
  3.2.4 Wall Lizard Lizard
  3.2.5 Boa Boa Sand Boa Boa's Python Python Python Python's Python Boa Rosy Boa Python Constrictor Python Tree Boa cenchria Boa murinus Anaconda Python Carpet Python spilotes Python Python
  3.2.6 Snake Snake Snake Snake's Garter Snake Terrestrial Garter Snake Garter Snake Garter Snake Ribbon Snake Garter Snake Tree Snake Snake Tree Snake Snakes Golden Flying Snake Snake Snake Ratsnake Snake Snake Beauty Snake Hognose Snake Hognose Snake Snake Snake Kingsnake Milk Snake Milksnake's Milk Snake Kingsnake Kingsnake Water Snake Green Snake
  3.2.7 Rattlesnake Rattlesnake Diamondback Rattlesnake molossus Black-tailed Rattlesnake Rattlesnake Viper Viper
  3.2.8 Sea Snake Sea Snake laticaudata Sea Snake Elegans's Sea Snake
  3.2.9 Gecko mutilata Dtella Gecko's Gecko Cave Gecko's Velvet Gecko Gecko Thick-tailed Gecko House Gecko (Hoplodactylus) Gecko aff. maculatus 'Danseys Pass' aff. maculatus 'Marlborough mini' aff. maculatus 'Mt Arthur' aff. maculatus 'Kaikoura' aff. maculatus 'East Otago' aff. maculatus 'West Otago' aff. maculatus 'Southern Alps' aff. maculatus 'Southern mini' spp. (H. maculatus complex) Gecko aff. nebulosus 'Takitimu' aff. nebulosus 'Mt Roy' Gecko aff. pacificus 'Matapia Island' aff. pacificus 'Poor Knights Islands' aff. pacificus 'Three Kings Islands' Gecko Gecko's Gecko Gecko aff. granulatus 'Westland' spp. (H. granulatus complex) Gecko Gecko aff. maculatus 'Canterbury' Gecko (Naultinus) Green Gecko Gecko Green Gecko Green Gecko Gecko Green Gecko Coast Green Gecko Gecko Cave Gecko Caledonian Giant Gecko Gecko Gecko
  3.3.1ünther's Tuatara
  3.4.1 Alligator
  3.4.2 Crocodile Crocodile
  4.1.2 Newt Newt Newt Newt
  4.1.3 Salamander Salamander Salamander Salamander Salamander Salamander Salamander Giant Salamander
  4.1.4 Salamander Salamander's Salamander Salamander Salamander Salamander Redback Salamander Redback Salamander Salamander
  4.1.5 Giant Salamander
  4.2 and Toads
  4.2.1 Frog
  4.2.2 Spadefoot Basin Spadefoot
  4.2.3 Toad Toad Plains Toad's Toad Toad
  4.2.4 Cricket Frog's Gray Treefrog Peeper Treefrog Treefrog Chorus Frog and Golden Bell Frog Tree Frog Dwarf Tree Frog's Tree Frog Dwarf Tree Frog Tree Frog Desert Frog's Tree Frog Tree Frog Tree Frog Frog Tree Frog Treefrog's Tree Frog Creek Frog Stoney Creek Frog Tree Frog Bell Frog Tree Frog Mountains Tree Frog Tree Frog's Tree Frog Frog Water-holding Frog
  4.2.5 Frog Frog Frog Leopard Frog Frog Frog Frog Frog Burrowing Bullfrog
  4.2.6's Frog Frog's Frog's Frog aff. hochstetteri 'Whareorino''s Frog Island Frog Frog
  4.2.7 Poison Arrow Frog
  4.2.8 Barred Frog Frog Barred Frog Marsh Frog Frog Marsh Frog Marsh Frog Frog; Eastern Burrowing Frog Corroboree Frog Toadlet Corroboree Frog Eastern Froglet
  5.1.1 Family Lamprey Lamprey Brook Lamprey Lamprey Brook Lamprey Lamprey Lamprey Lamprey Brook Lamprey
  5.1.2 Lampreys
  5.10 & Flyingfishes
  5.10.1 Family Silverside
  5.10.2 Blue Eye Fish Rainbowfish River Rainbowfish
  5.11 & Relatives
  5.11.1 Family Stickleback Stickleback Stickleback Stickleback Stickleback
  5.12.1 Family
  5.13 Fishes
  5.13.1 Bass Family Perch Bass Bass Perch Bass Gudgeon Cod Cod
  5.13.10 Fish
  5.13.11; Cockabullies Triplefin Triplefin Triplefin tripennis Headed Triplefin squamiceps Topknot Eye Triplefin segmentatus dorsalis Triplefin's Triplefin Triplefin Triplefin Triplefin Swimming Triplefin Triplefin rufopilem
  5.13.13 Wrasse
  5.13.14 Mowang
  5.13.15 Perch
  5.13.16 Jack
  5.13.17 Fish - Surgeon Fish Unicornfish
  5.13.18 Dart
  5.13.19 Wife Wife Fish
  5.13.2 Family Bass Bass Bass Sunfish Sunfish Sunfish Crappie Crappie
  5.13.20 Mono (Silver Batfish)
  5.13.21 Grouper
  5.13.22 Batfish
  5.13.3 Perch Perch Sand Darter Darter Darter Darter Darter Darter Darter Darter Darter Darter
  5.13.4 Family Sculpin Sulpin Sculpin Sculpin Sculpin Sculpin Sculpin Sculpin
  5.13.5's Bully Bully Bully Bully Gilled Bully Bully Bully's Gudgeon Spotted Gudgeon
  5.13.6 esper
  5.13.7 Mullet Mullet Mullet
  5.13.8 Stargazer Stargazer Stargazer
  5.13.9 Cod Cod
  5.14.1 affinis Halosaur Halosaur
  5.14.2 Eels challengeri
  5.16.1 Catfish Bullhead Catfish Catfish Bullhead Catfish Madtom Madtom
  5.16.2 Catfish
  5.16.3 sp.
  5.17.2 Sea Smelts antarcticus argyrogaster bericoides greyae longirostris ochotensis microstoma
  5.17.3 binocularis soleatus
  5.17.4 Slickhead antipodiana Slickhead copei socialis
  5.17.5 kopua taaningi
  5.17.6; Australasian Smelt's Smelt
  5.17.7 Kokopu Galaxias Galaxias Kokopu Inanga Galaxias Jaw Kokopu Jawed Galaxias Mudfish Mudfish Dwarf Galaxia Dwarf Galaxia Dwarf Galaxia
  5.17.8 and Salmon Trout Salmon Trout Trout Char Char Varden Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon
  5.18.1 braueri microdon pallida pseudopallida rebainsi taenia bathyphilum ebelingi elongatum obtusirostra
  5.19.1 Flouders; Witch constellatus Flouder Flounder
  5.19.2 Flounders Flounder Sole Sole Sole Sole Flounder; Dab Flounder; Mud Flounder Flounder
  5.19.3 Soles haackeanus
  5.2 & Paddlefish
  5.2.1 Family Sturgeon Sturgeon Sturgeon Sturgeon Sturgeon
  5.20.1 Lungfish
  5.21.1 Sea Dragon
  5.22.1 Sunfish
  5.22.2 Leatherjacket Toadfish
  5.3.1 Family Gar Gar
  5.4.1 Family
  5.5 Fishes
  5.5.1 Family - Sardines and Sprats Shad Shad Herring Sprat Bream
  5.5.2 Family; Trouts & Chars Grayling Whitefishes Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Whitefish Whitefish Cisco; Lake Herring Cisco Cisco
  5.5.3; North American Smelt Smelt Smelt
  5.5.5 Blackfish Mudminnow
  5.5.6 Pike Pickerel americanus Pickerel Pickerel
  5.6 & Carps
  5.6.1 Chub Chub Redbelly Dace Dace Squawfish Shiner Dace Chub Dace Shiner Minnow Minnow Minnow Minnow Carp Carp Minnow Shiner Shiner Shiner Shiner Shiner Shiner Shiner Shiner Shiner Shiner Shiner Shiner Shiner Cloud Mountain Minnow Barb Minnow Dace Dace Dace Dace Chub Chub Chub Chub
  5.6.2 Buffalo Chubsucker Sucker Hog Sucker Sucker Sucker Sucker Sucker Sucker Redhorse Redhorse Redhorse Redhorse Redhorse Redhorse Redhorse
  5.7.1 Eels Eel Eel Eel
  5.7.2 Eels Eel chilospilus Moray Moray Moray Moray Moray moray
  5.7.3 Eels acuticeps infans paucipora yanoi curvirostris scolopaceus
  5.7.4 Eels brunneus Eel Cutthroat Cutthroat Cutthroat Eel
  5.7.5 Eels Worm Eel Worm Eel Eel
  5.7.6 Eels
  5.7.7 Eels Conger Conger cinereus Conger Conger Conger Conger
  5.7.8 Eels Eel
  5.7.9 Eels Eel Eel
  5.8.1 Family Killifish
  5.8.2 pinnatibarbatus pinnatibarbatus melanocercus lineatus cribosus obturisostris cribrosus speculiger
  5.8.4 argalus
  5.8.6 Fish Molly
  5.9 Fishes
  5.9.1 Family Tomcod
  6.1.1 Spiders (Bird-eating) Spider Funnel-web
  6.1.2 Spiders Spider
  7.1.1 Plague Locust
  7.1.2 Grasshopper
  7.2.1 Insect - Lord Howe Island Phasmid Stick Insect
  7.3.1 Brown Mantis
  8.1.1 Seahorse
  9.1.1 Reef Shark Whaler Shark
  9.1.2 Nurse Shark
  9.1.3 Shark
  9.2.1 Stingray (Estuary Stingaree) Stingray (unknown Sp.)
  9.2.2 Fiddler Ray
  9.3 Sharks
  9.3.1 Sharks
  9.3.2 Wobbegong
  9.4.1 Jackson Shark

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code